Wednesday, February 24, 2016

2024 eNews from WOV Austin!

Did you miss WOV Austin's recent eNewsletter?  Check out past issues HERE to see what we're up to.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Upcoming Events in 2024

Up Next...

Saturday, Oct 19, 2024  Babysitting certification for foster children & families: A two-part training & CPR certification class at the Carver Center for Families in Georgetown. Spread the word please… 
we are needed! For info & to register visit:

11am Sat, Nov 16, Let’s gather at La Madeleine near Cedar Park (14028 N US 183) for lunch & to bring holiday needs for local trafficking survivors and/or foster children/families (TBA); we’ll also cover WOV Project Updates

This Christmas, give a gift that keeps on giving! Share from World Vision’s Gift Catalog this holiday by gifting a goat, calf, etc to someone who will surely appreciate it! or consider sponsoring a child in Central America through World Vision:

Sat, 10am Jan 18, 2025 Book discussion TBA; let's learn together!  You can see our past book discussions HERE. We'll announce our next book and location when it's firmed up. 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Join us in prayer - updated for 2024

With all the crises in the world, it's important not to let worry and fear run rampant in our hearts and minds. Instead, let us pray together specifically and in agreement for God's Kingdom to come and His will to be done.

In light of all the shaking in the world, Lord, we claim Psalm 121 protection for all Your children in our coming and our going.  We acknowledge that our very lives are in Your hands. Thanks to You and Your son we are secure. That truth makes all the difference no matter our circumstances. Help us all to turn to You and find You. Help us to call on Your name and find a personal relationship with You, Our God who Saves. Equip Your church to persevere for Your glory. Bind up those who are suffering with illness, loss of a loved one or economic distress. Come Jehovah Jireh our Provider. Equip us to share the love of Christ with those who so desperately need You. Raise up righteous leaders in every sector of society to lead us in Your ways. May Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, in Jesus' name, Amen. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Past Book Discussions (updated 2024)

God used many of these books to help us understand issues like poverty, human trafficking and systemic oppression and injustice. Along with 'understanding' came a call to action to do what we can (to refuse to do nothing) knowing that He is responsible for the outcome. While we support and pray for those on the front lines doing God's work, our goal is to help educate others on what we've learned and invite them to be part of what God is doing to reconcile all things this side of heaven. Some of the books that have inspired us include:

Words that Work by McGill
The Other Side by Villalobos
The Book of Rosy by Pablo Cruz and Schwietert Collazo
Dangerous Love by Ray Norman
Be the Bridge by Latasha Morrison
Factfulness by Rosling

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What do I Say? Child Sponsorship Letter Writing "Clinic"

Welcome to the recap of our child  sponsorship letter writing event!  The bulk of this recap is devoted to all the ideas you and others are doing to let your sponsored child(ren) and his/her family know they are special…in your eyes and in God’s! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

From Microsoft to Brothels...

Thank you to our Free Austin Keynote speaker Margo Day who was led from the executive offices of Microsoft  to the plains of Africa and the red light districts of Bangladesh and Cambodia.  For the past year while on sabbatical from Microsoft, she learned we have what’s necessary to fight injustice.  From the biblical story of loaves and fishes, we have enough (thanks be to God).  We are strong enough to do our part in the fight against poverty and modern day slavery!  To view Margo's presentation, click the "Read More" link below.

Greetings from Matete!

Come celebrate God’s work in Matete and the important projects our chapter helps fund!   Hear stories from our recent trip to Matete, Kenya and see pictures and videos from our trip.  If you’d like to make the trip to Matete yourself someday or simply wish to celebrate God’s handiwork, please come and invite friends who might like to hear about this meaningful relationship!  This event is in partnership with Bethany UMC and is open to the public.